Saturday, September 09, 2006

I Just Realized That All My Friends Have Dad-Issues

Except me.

I mean wow . . . I could tick them off, one by one, on my hands. There's him, and her, and him, and her . . .

All except me!

How did I get so lucky?

I mean sure, there are occasions when I get indescribably pissed off at their one-track mindedness and their complete inability to understand me and my brothers, but other than that, I have next to zero qualms with my dad. When someone asks about my dad, no negative adjectives automatically spring to mind. It's always that he's hardworking, intelligent, articulate, knowledgeable, and the list goes on and on.

Of course, as those of you who read-present-tense (or read-past-tense) my blog religiously would know, this is nothing at all like last year's Filipino story of that kid whose image of his dad as some almighty, omnipotent being was torn to shreds when he realized that his dad couldn't bring his mom back from the dead.

In fact, I am almost 100% certain that I have never viewed my dad as someone perfect, even as a child. It was actually Andrew, my brother, that used to see dad as all-knowing until he was about 9 or 10 years old, because whatever Andrew used to ask him then, he knew the answer to.

Well, that's besides the point. Anyway, hurray for cool, contemporary, liberal dads like my own.

Oh, wait. I just had a conversation with Justine.

Justine: . . . dad just ignores me and . . .

Okay, that just reminded me. Dad used to ignore me as a child. He was always out of the country or out of the house when i was a kid. But that was a long time ago (6? 7 years ago?), and things have fixed themselves since.

Anyway, yesterday, I attended the Days thingy with the thingy for the thingies at the thingy.

Some quotable quotes:

Raphie: *looks around the group that've seated themselves around the banig, all from the advanced classes* I think it's safe to say we're the smart ones. *Jovi, Jordan and Rossini arrive* I retract my statement.

Me: *listens to Bukas Palad on the CD player* Why is the music so... (I was actually trying to say "It's so secular, or meditation-y" but I couldn't find the words)
Topet: What? Why is the music so what?
Me: I don't know, it's so . . . what's the word for it? *enters the next room* *sees Raphie* *whose vocabulary is probably wider than the Pacific Ocean* What's the word for it?
Raphie: *recoils* I DON'T KNOW!!! What's the word for what? Err . . . fellatio? *Topet bursts out laughing*

Some H4 guy: *comes in toting two bags* Does any of you own these bags?
Raphie: DO any of you . . . *trails off* No I don't. Check if there's a nametag.
H4 guy: *slinks away with a mock-hurt expression*
Raphie: No! [name of H4 guy], I'm sorry, I didn't mean to correct you!
Me: [thinking] Oh, yes you did.
Henry: It's . . . it's reflex.

During the special Lime-scent-less . . . thingy, some dude's head was covering the candlelight, and that annoyed me. A lot. When his head finally moved away, I found that it was too bright. But, as it went on, it didn't annoy me. Rather, my eyes adjusted to me. That candle is like Jesus.

Topet: [referring to Jesus] It means that when you go to see him, you share your load with him.
Me: You share your load.
Raphie: [pretends to hold a cellphone] Here's five pesos, Jess.

Afterwards, Raphie and I decided to walk back to Gate 14, where we'd leave. We basically walked around in the dark for a while. When we got to the area directly outside the Sports Center, to the CR near the P.E. office, we see Mr. Alvin Ang.

Me: Mr. Ang!
Mr. Ang: *turns around* Hello. *grins madly*
Me: How are . . . [sees smile] . . . yoouuu . . .? *Raphie and I walk away*
Raphie: What a wonderful conversation with Mr. Ang. We're sure to be staffers now.
*we get to the area near Gate 14. We hear my brother's three beeps from the car outside the gate*
Me: Oh, it's my driver! I mean my brother! My driver-brother!
*walk to Gate 1, which is open*
Raphie: *sees me walking in open air, where it was raining really hard just a while ago* Aren't you gonna get wet?
Me: It's barely raining!
*walk some more*
Me: Hey, you wanna use my racket-case as cover when we go to Gate 1?
Raphie: No, no, thanks. I've got my planner.
Me: Will that even cover your head?
Raphie: Yes, it will.
Me: You can just use my racket, it'll cover both our heads.
Raphie: No, you deserve to use! It's your racket after all.
Me: Why only use it to cover one person when it can cover two?
Raphie: It's barely raining! Great, now I'm using that argument. *run out into the rain* Just walk really fast and you won't get wet.
Me: Oh, I hate moving puddles.
Raphie: There's like, ocean mist here.
*come across a semi-flooded area with water up to the area above the soles of our shoes*
Raphie: How do we do this?
Me: Just walk slowly.

So there. Yay!

Other randomness:
- I saw Fr. Guy ask Justin if we used to pray after class as well. I think that's a bit . . . dumb. What, is he incapable of choosing whether or not to pray after class, regardless of custom?

Two songs have been stuck in my head recently (one yesterday, one today)

簡單愛 - 周杰倫

說不上為什麼 我變得很主動
若愛上一個人 什麼都會值得去做
我想大聲宣佈 對妳依依不捨

河邊的風 在吹著頭髮飄動
牽著妳的手 一陣莫名感動
我想帶妳 回我的外婆家
一起看著日落 一直到我們都睡著

我 想帶妳騎單車
我 想和妳看棒球
想這樣沒擔憂 唱著歌 一直走

妳 靠著我的肩膀
妳 在我胸口睡著
像這樣的生活 我愛妳 妳愛我

想 簡!簡!單!單! 愛~~~~~~~~~~
想 簡!簡!單!單! 愛~~~~~~~~~~

And this other one, called...

Oh, It Is Love by Hellogoodbye [in bold are the parts that I like]

Oh, it is love from the first time I set my eyes upon yours
Thinking “Oh, is it love?”

Oh, dear, it's been hardly a moment and you are already missed
There is still a bit of your skin that I'm yet to have kissed

Oh, say “Please do not go.” when you know you know that I must

Oh, say, “I love you so.”
You know, you know you can trust
We'll be holding hands once again
All our broken plans, I will mend
I will hold you tight so you know
It is love from the first time I pressed my hand into yours
Thinking “Oh is it love?”

Dear, its been hardly three days and I'm longing to feel your embrace
There are several days until I can see your sweet face
Oh, say, wouldn't you like to be older and married with me
Oh, say, wouldn't it be nice to know right now that we'll be,

Someday, holding hands in the end
All our lovely plans will have been
I will kiss you soft so you know
It is love from the first time I pressed my lips against yours
Thinking, “Oh is it love?”

Your heart may long for love that is more near
So when I'm gone these words will be here to ease every fear
And dry up every tear and make it very clear
I kiss you and I know
It is love from the first time I press my lips against yours
Thinking, “Oh is it love?”

Oh, it is love from the first time I pressed my lips against yours
Thinking, “Oh is it love?”

Oh, I kiss you and I know
It is love from the first time I set my lips onto yours
Thinking, “Oh is it love?”


Anonymous said...

Things I find I must say:

First, that 5 pesos thing? Yeah, that came from Henry. I found it funny, so I passed it on.

Second, Jovie, Jordan and Rossini are all in the advanced class, so the people around the banig were still advanced class people even after they arrived.

Third, hey, you were going to correct him too. I just had less self-control. So there.

Fourth, touching as it is, I must tell you that my vocabulary is hardly as wide as you imagine. If mine is wider than the Pacific Ocean like you say(which it really, really isn't), then yours is wider than all the oceans combined(which it really, really is).

You're luck to have few issues with your Dad. When people ask me, the first thought that comes to mind is usually that he's strict. The really nice adjectives take a while to develop.

Is the Justine you're referring to our classmate?

Canadian Autumn said...

The 5 pesos thing was brewing in my mind as well.

So Jovie, Jordan and Rossini are. I don't think smart is the first word that pops into your head when you hear their names.


I believe the weekend has just screwed things up for Dad and me.

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily. When Jordan comes to mind, smart is there somewhere, although admittedly, it usually isn't the first word that pops in.

As for the vocabulary thing, I have but two words for you:

So, IS it Justine Figueroa?

Canadian Autumn said...

No, that Justine is actually Justin Tan.