Saturday, March 31, 2007

Mom and Dad just came home.

About an hour and a half ago, we had a spat at the office. Mom told me that the way she saw it, I knew how to do the work I was assigned but I was just playing dumb. I walked out on them.

Then about two minutes ago, she walks up to me like nothing had happened, puts on that unbearably stupid baby voice and waggles a finger at me. "Bad attitude."

Then she chats with Andrew and exits, but just before she closes the door, she stands at the doorframe and asks if we'd like to go anywhere tonight. But Andrew was computer-ing and I was simmering, and neither of us felt any need to reply. So she just stood where she was quietly for a few seconds, then stepped out and slowly closed the door.

Honestly, I should be brutally heartless about the whole situation. They accused me of being difficult when, really, I had been very patient. But whenever dad or mom acts that way, like a puppy that had just been kicked, I have this terrible guilt-trip. It's like my inside is telling me that I should be more patient, and I start qualifying their actions for them.

I just can't stay mad at them. I really should be iron-like and cutthroat if I ever expect them to treat me as an equal and not as an obstinate five year old, but somehow, I can't seem to be the hard-driven man of steel I want to be.

Damn compassion and filial piety.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well.. it's like I thought!