Friday, March 30, 2007

親親的我的寶貝 我要越過高山

Nothing big has happened in my life lately. Hence the entry will also be known as 平常事.

So... lately.

Well, yesterday, the 29th, I got my report card from school.

It turns out, we didn't have a driver that morning, so I had to take a cab. When I finally got to Xavier, I went straight to the MPH and got my stuff from Mr. Asis, who was sitting at the table to the right of the place from the entrance door.

He also gave me a red book with a thick stack of papers inserted between the cover and the first page. When I looked closer, I saw the word "Burn" printed in beautiful gold ink against the brick red of the cover. INNER ORGASM HERE!!!! IT'S THE LITMAAAAAAG!!!

Quickly, I check the table of contents, and there they were--two of the pictures I sent in! JOY!

Anyhow, I sit around and take a cab back home.

When I get home, I go through the novel with a fine-toothed comb for some good literary works to save for a rainy coffee-filled Saturday when...

Oh my.

It's a literary work. From me.

Did I even send that in? Because seriously, I don't recall sending that in. As in seriously. I DID NOT SEND THAT IN.

But I guess I did, because it's there. Unless someone got into my computer, stole one of my most sacred pieces of work and uploaded it for the entire goddamn High School to see. I'm queasy just thinking about it.


Anyway, my grades were good. I think I got what I deserved. Sort of. Thanks Mr. Claro!

You know what? Summer has never taken this long to really "sink in" yet. But I'm not exactly sure of what summer sinking in should feel like, so perhaps I'm not fit to blog about it. But when I think about Xavier, I still feel the same way as I did when I used to go to class. It's strange.

Wow. I wanna kick my life in high gear but I can't.

Stupid YFC. Jeez.

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