Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Quarterly Tests... Evil

While I am quite certain that I didn't do absolutely horrible, I am also positive that I really didn't do too well.

13th of March, 2007; 7:45 - 9:00 am

C.L.E., proctored by Ms. Ching

Not hard, but not exactly easy other. It was quite short, for which I am very thankful.

14th of March, 2007;

7:40 - 8:55 am

Science, proctored by Mr. Pinlac

Complicated, but I finished with a good thirty minutes to spare. I was almost smiling to myself at how not-challenging the tests were.

9:35 - 10:50 am

Social Science, proctored by Mr. Rivera

HELL!!!! If the QT's were arranged in ascending order from easiest to hardest, I shudder to think of what tomorrow's Geometry QT will be like!!! STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!

OH MY GOOOOOD. *groans*

Anyhow, Aldwin and I talked a bit last night.


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