Also, while I was plotting to completely erase my name and put only Raphie's, he mentioned that the very fact that I used the word "Personally" indicated that it was so very, patented me. He's right. I'm the only person I know that uses that word.
Apparently, Hongers call "erasers" "rubbers". Well, they have a very different meaning here and many other countries [i.e. American-influenced ones], I assure you. In Math, Mr. Sy explained this, and after the Povedan Interaction, handed us some extra small rubbers for use in Math class. The same day that he gave us these rubbers, he wrote this on the board.
Kyle spilt moppit ink all over my table during Chinese class (when I was out of the room). I even ended up getting moppit ink all over some of my hands when I touched the sides and legs of the table, which were still dripping with the black ink. Good thing they come off with water.

The picture says it all. This is for MRX Most Requested in Xavier.
During PTC.
The Soupiness of Bert (Ang Kasabawan ni Bert)
A very interesting bullet in one of the higher floors of the EED, overlooking the football field no less.
Leigh was asking for directions to YCLC while I was taking this.
Ah, and the man of the hour. Mr. Hernando, our new C.L.E. teacher. I don't know what the school or Fr. Guy saw in him. Because seriously, this guy is crap at teaching. Paris Hilton could do a better job. He has absolutely no respect for the students' opinions [or for the students, for that matter] ("Kabarumbaduhan"), just cannot, cannot, cannot admit that he is wrong ("Pride"), criticizes other peoples' English, voice and accent, when he doesn't have what one would call the correct enunciation either ("sin" becomes "seen") ("Hypocrisy"). And wtf, he GRADES prayers! What kind of C.L.E. teacher GRADES prayers? And that's not even the worst part! The worst part is that he subtracted points because he felt someone's prayer was too long! I mean, God, how dare you? Not only are you stripping the very meaning of prayer, but you're telling the person that it's wrong to pray for the things you want to pray for because it'll take too long! It's no wonder this idiot didn't become a priest.
I have been very patient with this guy. No more.
Worse, when I went to see Fr. Guy about him, Fr. Guy was all, "Give him a chance." I told him I'd already given him more than a week. Fr. Guy asked me to give him two weeks. I told him I'd already given him two weeks. Fr. Guy tells me he'll see.
周傳雄 - 寂寞沙洲冷
落花似人有情 這個季節
有花兒伴著蝴蝶 孤雁可以雙飛
陳奕迅 & 梁漢文 - 拔河
陳: 你說她又失蹤 一整夜電話撥不通
不敢睡怕噩夢 醒著又怕想到心痛
血滴在心中 多苦我能懂
絕不讓一步 把自己逼瘋
你很想知道 誰盜走 她的夢
梁: 我們都會失控 有人搶 越是不放鬆
如果忘了初衷 最後爭到手也沒用
感覺自己像 面對個黑洞
多努力激動 回應都是空
除非自己想通 掙脫這場捉弄
陳: 你為誰拔河
梁: 女人之間計較特別苛
陳: 愛恨在拉扯
梁: 男人的錯很快不記得
陳: 感情怎麼分割
合: 怎麼曲折 都等她選擇
你爭的究竟是愛 還是種資格
梁: 你別再拔河
陳: 真心不是誰比誰坎坷
梁: 能捨才能得
陳: 淚水不能解幸福的渴
梁: 愛其實說穿了
合: 不該你的 不怪誰招惹
只拖著 她的軀殼愛著 那又如何
陳: 我們都會失控 有人搶 越是不放鬆
如果忘了初衷 最後爭到手也沒用
梁: 感覺自己像 面對個黑洞
多努力激動 回應都是空
除非自己想通 掙脫這場捉弄
陳: 你別再拔河
梁: 真心不是誰比誰坎坷
陳: 能捨才能得
梁: 淚水不能解幸福的渴
陳: 愛其實說穿了
合: 不該你的 不怪誰招惹
只拖著 她的軀殼愛著 那又如何

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