English - I got my Portfolio Entry back yesterday, and I received 100 + no comments, which means it was all just great.
A while ago, I spoke with Ms. Magallona. I asked her if the reason she wanted the full 10-page version was because she couldn't understand my shortened version. She said no, it was because she wanted to enter it into a contest. Hmmm...
Also, I wrote a rather (in my opinion) lame analysis of The Last Leaf yesterday. It's a good thing Filbert, who I was paired with, wasn't asked to recite today when Ms. Magallona asked some good examples of analyses to stand up and recite (namely Martin and whoever is partner was and Peterson/Carlo). Then she asked us (!!!) to stand up and give our analysis. I was absolutely baffled as to why she would want my unworthy excuse for an analysis to spread to the other members of the class. She mentioned it was rather creepy, too.
Computer - we showed our videos from the week before here now. It went great! Haha! Our group's video was 500 MB and the computer in the PC Lab that Ms. Concepcion used had obscenely low RAM so it lagged to death while she was copying it. We ended up not having enough time for the fifth/last group. Ours was so messy. WE HAVE THE MAC UNITS. YES, THE MAC UNITS. *TEN ORGASMS HERE*
Recess, Math and Soc Sci were nothing out of the ordinary.
Chinese - I thought we'd be going to the classroom over at the far back of the AVR areas again (beside the MAC LAB). We ended up going aaaall the waaaay dooownstaaaaairs. Agaaaain.
But in my opinion, it was sort of like our way of saying farewell to the place. We have both good and bad memories associated with that place, but now we're formally parting with it and starting a new quarter with a fresh room, nearer to our classrooms, colder, cleaner and much nicer.
But anyway, while we were in the old room, the Speech Lab, I approached Ye laoshi with the 千字文 qianziwen (The Thousand-Character Essay) and asked her to explain. But surprise-of-surprises, she took one glance, covered the paper and recited it from memory!
Taken very much by suprise, I turned around to express my surprise into the air behind me--and bumped into Kenn. I literally had to grab onto him just to keep my balance. I'm like, how the heck did you appear there?
Anyway, it turns out, Ye laoshi had memorized about 200 characters from that poem before. Very interesting.
I then asked her what it meant, and she begins explaining each four-character line, and its significance to Chinese culture. Kenn and I were listening intently until that point where she said she was tired, so we took a break first. I lent the paper to Kenn, asked Ye laoshi if I could go to the xishoujian and went to get the CR pass. Kenn then glances at the second sheet of paper, where part of the qianziwen spilled over, because it couldn't all fit in one page, and some lyrics. He happened to chance upon "紅塵" angtin ("world of mortals", but literally "red dust").
He began reading it in Mandarin, then asked me what it meant. I then proceeded to read the first few lines in Hokkien (it's a hokkien song, you see):
店店的老月 靜靜莫講話 偷偷看人過
世間夢一回 青春已經過 頭毛漸漸白
The last part of which he laughed at.
When I came back from the CR, I found Kenn and Ye laoshi talking about things, so I joined in. All in all, I loved this period. It was wonderful. We got to talk lots, bond and stuff.
At times like these, I really love life.
Filipino - I got my LT back, and I got a 48/50, which is waaaay better than I expected to get. He said "Malikhain" daw. Well, of course, Stanly got higher (perfect, please!) and Peterson, too. But I'm very satisfied with my grade. 48... wow...
Filipino-Science - I was talking to Mr. Chua on the way back, and I finally asked why his email address was what it was. Apparently, it's got something to do with Tuna melt and he just randomly chose the letter x. I thought all along that it was Dance X. Haha!
Then in the prayer, Mark (Roxas) referred to Mr. Chua as Mr. Sy by accident, and Mr. Chua spun in his place and death-stared Mark. Then at the end of the prayer, he was all, "Who am I?"
And then when we greeted him, "Good afternoon.", someone said "Mr. Sy" as a mockery. Mr. Chua asked who it was, and I think it was Rossini that TJ Santos was pointing to. Then TJ made up some excuse going, "Sabi niya, Cher, Mr. C" And everyone else was all, "Right..."
Anyway, let me share with you a few pictures.

Mr. Asis with Ms. Yao, now... and is that Ms./Mrs. Albano with Mr. Chua? Hmm...

Mr. Chua and Ms. Yao in what looks to be some sort of Latin dance. Interesting. COUPLE! Joke.

As some of you may have noticed, I've been posting some Photosh--*cough* enhanced pictures with Chinese on them recently. Well, this way, I've been able to combine two of my greatest passions--Chinese and Photography (and a bonus Passion 2.5 of Photoshop). Well, there you go! Who knows when I'll stop? Hehe.
Today, I gift you with two.

Computer - we showed our videos from the week before here now. It went great! Haha! Our group's video was 500 MB and the computer in the PC Lab that Ms. Concepcion used had obscenely low RAM so it lagged to death while she was copying it. We ended up not having enough time for the fifth/last group. Ours was so messy. WE HAVE THE MAC UNITS. YES, THE MAC UNITS. *TEN ORGASMS HERE*
AMEN!!!!!! :D
But, my friend, who are you?
Who's anonymous?
and allen... ORGASMS???
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