Wednesday, June 21, 2006

You Know What Kenn Said Today?

No? Cos that was the most interesting thing that happened today. Anyway, he said...


According to Henry, the "la" is from 拉肚子. But that means diarrhea, and we're talking shitting here.

Anyway, this had me laughing for a full minute. You really should've just seen how laoshi's face looked. It sort of crumpled, and she was like "這麼惡心!" And the campaign against simplified characters rages on. Lol.

But I'm actually getting a lot of practice with Mandarin. My Cantonese is gonna start rusting again. But I can actually read our whole book (with the exceptions of a few deep words, although I can guess) in Cantonese. Very interesting... now I just need to learn how to read it in Fukien. I could read a few lines completely.

It's sad that although Xaverian Chinese is already so poor (see if you can find a Xaverian whose Mandarin has all the right tones and can recognize more than a thousand characters in one try.), they don't even know their own dialects. And even the more fluent people (the ones whose Chinese actually sound good) can't read in Fukien either (Ryle, Evan, Kurt, Neell, Kenn, Walter, etc...). At least Evan WANTS to learn.

After I become fluent in Fukien, I'll probably want to take up Taishanese. Yep, I'll be fluent in four dialects. And if I still can, after all that, I'll take up Shanghainese. Then I'll force my kids to learn all five (plus English and Filipino, of course, those are given).

High hopes... so far away. I think I'll quite like Xaverian English and Chinese this year. I think Filipino will be the absolute bane of my Xaverian Existence.

I hung out with someone named Synjyn Reyes a while ago (no relation to Jacques) in Mr. Young's office, and Kyle Teng. We had a riot of a time at the office, chatting and having Mr. Young freak out when one of us even seemed to look at the "important" papers on his desk, Kyle asking me to time him do the twisty green and white connected cube things that you have to arrange into a bigger cube. His record was 18 seconds. Mr. Young said Synjyn couldn't do it in a day.

It was an okay day. Bryan has been wrongly accused. Misbehavior? Yeah, in your bra.

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