I believe my time with Blogger is once again over.
It's been a good few years, and I'll definitely have a lot of unforgettable memories with Blogger, but I believe it's time to move on. This was just a transitional blog that lasted longer than it should have anyway.
Also, it's really annoying how I have to keep re-typing my Google account name and password over and over each time I log in because even if I check the "Remember my username and password" box, it still won't work.
So goodbye, Blogger. It's 8:12 AM on Saturday, the 28th of April.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Is it possible to get a hangover-migraine from three sips of a margarita?
Jesus Christ, if I'd known the headache would be this bad, I wouldn't have even looked at the thing.
See, Mom, Dad, Andrew and I went out to Promenade last night but went to Chilis first to eat something (and well, that place is all I really live for in the culinary world :p). Andrew got this (alcoholic) Mango-flavored Margarita (I think the brand was President) and mom, dad and I each took sips, but mom and I went for seconds, thirds and fourths.
I myself got a Creamsicle Classic, which was, from its description, fresh orange juice with milk and vanilla iced cream (very reminiscent of my previous concoction, the Dalandan Float). It was good--something like an innocent, underaged version of the Margarita.
Then we all had the ever-famous Chicken Crispers (it's all we really order whenever we go there, which isn't even all that often). We ordered three sets, and mom was all "What?!". Anyhow, it was five strips of chicken each about a little longer than your middle finger from tip to knuckle, and much fatter. Amazing. Then there was a ton of fries and the unique-to-Chilis Honey Mustard. I'm sold to this place. I worship the ground that it was made on.
So then we stuffed ourselves full (Mom got a salad of some sort, I think the one we usually order from Chilis on New Year's) and Dad got a steak thing (damn good steak, at that) with assorted veggies and ranch-dressed Mashed Potato (to die for).
We moved on (mom was a little nervous about the pounds she was gaining and we allayed her fears by walking all the way back to Promenade) and headed straight for the arcade, which Andrew has been obsessed with ever since he found out this girl he liked at school was into Initial D. He played that Daytona game. Then we all pigged out on Trivia, which Alex Pacquiao'd. After which, Alex proceeded to kick Andrew's ass in Basketball. Twice. ROFL.
Then he beat me in Air Hockey after I beat Andrew. CRAP!
But we both played the Kill-The-Zombie thing, similar to what Kenn led me to do (kill dinosaurs I think), but this time with undead rather than the long-deceased. At which I outlasted him. HAHA!
Then we all went home and made plans. It was happy.
Ooh... guess what!
Someone's been taking voice and piano lessons.
There is love right now. At this second. Much, much love.
So I've had three of each, and Andrew has had two of his voice lessons.
(Okay, a little aside--Alex just woke up looking like Hell and sees me in the computer room. He looks at me all bleary-eyed and, jerking his thumb back to the direction of our room, goes "Tulog ka pa a!" Well obviously not anymore, genius.)
Anyway, I can play stuff on the piano!!!! WEEEHOOO!!!!
Just a tiny update thing.
Jesus Christ, if I'd known the headache would be this bad, I wouldn't have even looked at the thing.
See, Mom, Dad, Andrew and I went out to Promenade last night but went to Chilis first to eat something (and well, that place is all I really live for in the culinary world :p). Andrew got this (alcoholic) Mango-flavored Margarita (I think the brand was President) and mom, dad and I each took sips, but mom and I went for seconds, thirds and fourths.
I myself got a Creamsicle Classic, which was, from its description, fresh orange juice with milk and vanilla iced cream (very reminiscent of my previous concoction, the Dalandan Float). It was good--something like an innocent, underaged version of the Margarita.
Then we all had the ever-famous Chicken Crispers (it's all we really order whenever we go there, which isn't even all that often). We ordered three sets, and mom was all "What?!". Anyhow, it was five strips of chicken each about a little longer than your middle finger from tip to knuckle, and much fatter. Amazing. Then there was a ton of fries and the unique-to-Chilis Honey Mustard. I'm sold to this place. I worship the ground that it was made on.
So then we stuffed ourselves full (Mom got a salad of some sort, I think the one we usually order from Chilis on New Year's) and Dad got a steak thing (damn good steak, at that) with assorted veggies and ranch-dressed Mashed Potato (to die for).
We moved on (mom was a little nervous about the pounds she was gaining and we allayed her fears by walking all the way back to Promenade) and headed straight for the arcade, which Andrew has been obsessed with ever since he found out this girl he liked at school was into Initial D. He played that Daytona game. Then we all pigged out on Trivia, which Alex Pacquiao'd. After which, Alex proceeded to kick Andrew's ass in Basketball. Twice. ROFL.
Then he beat me in Air Hockey after I beat Andrew. CRAP!
But we both played the Kill-The-Zombie thing, similar to what Kenn led me to do (kill dinosaurs I think), but this time with undead rather than the long-deceased. At which I outlasted him. HAHA!
Then we all went home and made plans. It was happy.
Ooh... guess what!
Someone's been taking voice and piano lessons.
There is love right now. At this second. Much, much love.
So I've had three of each, and Andrew has had two of his voice lessons.
(Okay, a little aside--Alex just woke up looking like Hell and sees me in the computer room. He looks at me all bleary-eyed and, jerking his thumb back to the direction of our room, goes "Tulog ka pa a!" Well obviously not anymore, genius.)
Anyway, I can play stuff on the piano!!!! WEEEHOOO!!!!
Just a tiny update thing.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Andrew's Surprise
We have to be two of the coolest brothers alive.
Alex was informed by Andrew's friends that they were planning to surprise him for his birthday (it's not today, of course). So Alex tells me about it, and today, we followed through as planned.
Alex would tell Andrew that he had to come back for him at six so he could bring him to the Fort for a gimmick with his friends.
Alex and I order a cake from Red Ribbon (chocolate mousse).
Andrew's friends arrived in a nice pink-and-purple bus smack dab in the middle of our avenue (no, i'm serious) earlier than was expected. Alex began to badger Andrew, who had gone to PowerPlant earlier in the afternoon to run some errands and have my iPod fixed, to come back earlier.
Andrew refused and said the agreement was 6. Eventually, Andrew comes home and I show him "One", starring the [(very) hot] Nikki Bridges, and ex-Charmed-star Drew Fuller to distract him. Alex gets the friends to enter the gate.
I pull the cake out and give it to Andrew, who goes "wow", smiles and remarks it's his favorite cake (lucky us!).
We all go downstairs (Andrew thankfully doesn't question why I'm going downstairs, too) and when he opens the door, he sees his friends and they yell "Surprise!".
We take pictures and video his reactions, and he sees the gargantuan pink-and-purple bus and asks why he didn't see it earlier. Alex makes a quick jab at his observation skills and takes the car keys off of Andrew, explaining that since that was their ride, he got the car.
So they all file into the bus, Alex takes the car, and I go back upstairs.
That's when I realized that the house seemed so empty without them.
The red ribbon that Andrew untied from the cakebox was still sitting on the cabinet.
If You're Missing (Come On Home) by Bethany Joy Lenz.
Here I am, red high heels
Yellow dress, perfect nails, lips like velvet
Don’t you want me, baby?
I’ve been here and back again
It never answers anything
Where was I when they handed out the knowing you are loved?
Don’t it get lonely out there, little darling?
Well, come on home
I’ll be here with open arms to hold you where you belong
I’ll be here with open arms to show you where you belong
If you’re missing, come on home [*cries* so beautiful]
Been undone, I’ve seen it all
Still somehow I refuse to kick this carnivore to the wall
Traveled here a thousand years
It’s a wonder my heart still hears
It beats, it feels, it does anything at all
Don’t it get lonely out there, little darling?
Well, come on home
I’ll be here with open arms to hold you where you belong
I’ll be here with open arms to show you where you belong
If you’re missing come on home
Don’t it get lonely out there, little darling?
Well, come on home
I’ll be here with open arms to hold you where you belong
I’ll be here with open arms to show you where you belong
If you’re missing come on home
Alex was informed by Andrew's friends that they were planning to surprise him for his birthday (it's not today, of course). So Alex tells me about it, and today, we followed through as planned.
Alex would tell Andrew that he had to come back for him at six so he could bring him to the Fort for a gimmick with his friends.
Alex and I order a cake from Red Ribbon (chocolate mousse).
Andrew's friends arrived in a nice pink-and-purple bus smack dab in the middle of our avenue (no, i'm serious) earlier than was expected. Alex began to badger Andrew, who had gone to PowerPlant earlier in the afternoon to run some errands and have my iPod fixed, to come back earlier.
Andrew refused and said the agreement was 6. Eventually, Andrew comes home and I show him "One", starring the [(very) hot] Nikki Bridges, and ex-Charmed-star Drew Fuller to distract him. Alex gets the friends to enter the gate.
I pull the cake out and give it to Andrew, who goes "wow", smiles and remarks it's his favorite cake (lucky us!).
We all go downstairs (Andrew thankfully doesn't question why I'm going downstairs, too) and when he opens the door, he sees his friends and they yell "Surprise!".
We take pictures and video his reactions, and he sees the gargantuan pink-and-purple bus and asks why he didn't see it earlier. Alex makes a quick jab at his observation skills and takes the car keys off of Andrew, explaining that since that was their ride, he got the car.
So they all file into the bus, Alex takes the car, and I go back upstairs.
That's when I realized that the house seemed so empty without them.
The red ribbon that Andrew untied from the cakebox was still sitting on the cabinet.
If You're Missing (Come On Home) by Bethany Joy Lenz.
Here I am, red high heels
Yellow dress, perfect nails, lips like velvet
Don’t you want me, baby?
I’ve been here and back again
It never answers anything
Where was I when they handed out the knowing you are loved?
Don’t it get lonely out there, little darling?
Well, come on home
I’ll be here with open arms to hold you where you belong
I’ll be here with open arms to show you where you belong
If you’re missing, come on home [*cries* so beautiful]
Been undone, I’ve seen it all
Still somehow I refuse to kick this carnivore to the wall
Traveled here a thousand years
It’s a wonder my heart still hears
It beats, it feels, it does anything at all
Don’t it get lonely out there, little darling?
Well, come on home
I’ll be here with open arms to hold you where you belong
I’ll be here with open arms to show you where you belong
If you’re missing come on home
Don’t it get lonely out there, little darling?
Well, come on home
I’ll be here with open arms to hold you where you belong
I’ll be here with open arms to show you where you belong
If you’re missing come on home
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I scrambled up against the grimy stone walls in the cell. It was dark here--dead in the night. Droplets of water were dripping ominously down onto the floor from an elevated place somewhere in the prison. For a while, it's all I can hear. Drip, drip, drip.
Then for the first time in what feels like ages, there are footsteps; light and springy. Almost . . . happy.
She's here.
I know it.
Sure enough, within a few seconds, the echo of the even footsteps has amplified and come to a full stop outside me cell. I'm cloaked in the darkness, so she has to squint in order to see me.
The keys jangle threateningly in her grip. She's absolutely sure of herself.
She toys with the keys, and I sense her gaze upon me, trying to smell fear.
Then, finally, she thrusts the metal key into the hole in the door to the cell and opens it, then closes it behind her. Her touch is light and breezy--she knows what she will do. She has the abilities to do it.
I can see her in the moonlight--her face sharp and beautiful. Pale skin, brown hair and blue eyes. Hard blue eyes. Ice blue.
She was almost attractive . . . save for the small, slim, hand-long cylindrical object in her grip, as red as her blood-crimson dress. She activates it with an ease about her.
"You know why I am here." And the twin blades shoot out from either side of the cylinder; standing at its full height, it is even taller than her.
I do not reply. There is no need to. This will all be over in a matter of seconds.
Instead, I rise, facing her. My silhouette is cloaked in shadows.
"You will not even honor my presence with an acknowledgement?" She asks, mocking--the predator circling her prey before she closes in.
Once more, I am silent. I think about what she might do. Perhaps she would simply impale me and be done with it? Slash me across the throat? Slice me up limb from limb? No matter.
She smirks, suddenly. Then, raising the double-edged blade, she stabs me in my solar plexus.
Ah, so that's how.
And we both stand inert for a few seconds.
And she pierces me deeper.
And my eyes glow green.
She flinches, confusion and fear in her eyes. She tightens her grip on the blade and, with one swift maneuver of the elbow, she wrenches the blade out through the right side of my body.
Well, if you could call it a 'body'.
The weapon collides with the wall from the force with which she acted, causing sparks and the rather pleasant sound of steel colliding with stone.
I don't even move.
"Are you finished yet?"
"Barely." She quips and attempts to backhand me across the face. Her warm hand comes into contact with cold, cold skin.
She knows something is wrong now. Terrified, she stumbles backward.
"Who- what are you?" She stammers, floundering to gain her footing.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" I advance, cloak billowing up about and above me, blotting out the moonlight from the window completely. She fumbles for the door. I seize her by the neck.
Warmth. I miss that. A warm woman.
My grip tightens. Her neck constricts, resisting for a few seconds before submitting to my strength. She rasps and flails her arms. As I crush her neck, her larynx and other muscles, and warm, warm blood come bursting out of it, and her eyes are frozen open in pain and anguish.
Soundlessly, I push the grates of the cell door open and step out, making my way through the din of the now-buzzing cells. They had heard something happening in my cell. When they turn to look at me, deathly silent, simply walking by, I know they can feel the chill.
I smile at them. They shrink back, nightmares already shooting up in their subconscious. It's almost flattering to know they'll all be dreaming about me tonight.
Steadily, I plunge into the weathering nothingness ahead.
Then for the first time in what feels like ages, there are footsteps; light and springy. Almost . . . happy.
She's here.
I know it.
Sure enough, within a few seconds, the echo of the even footsteps has amplified and come to a full stop outside me cell. I'm cloaked in the darkness, so she has to squint in order to see me.
The keys jangle threateningly in her grip. She's absolutely sure of herself.
She toys with the keys, and I sense her gaze upon me, trying to smell fear.
Then, finally, she thrusts the metal key into the hole in the door to the cell and opens it, then closes it behind her. Her touch is light and breezy--she knows what she will do. She has the abilities to do it.
I can see her in the moonlight--her face sharp and beautiful. Pale skin, brown hair and blue eyes. Hard blue eyes. Ice blue.
She was almost attractive . . . save for the small, slim, hand-long cylindrical object in her grip, as red as her blood-crimson dress. She activates it with an ease about her.
"You know why I am here." And the twin blades shoot out from either side of the cylinder; standing at its full height, it is even taller than her.
I do not reply. There is no need to. This will all be over in a matter of seconds.
Instead, I rise, facing her. My silhouette is cloaked in shadows.
"You will not even honor my presence with an acknowledgement?" She asks, mocking--the predator circling her prey before she closes in.
Once more, I am silent. I think about what she might do. Perhaps she would simply impale me and be done with it? Slash me across the throat? Slice me up limb from limb? No matter.
She smirks, suddenly. Then, raising the double-edged blade, she stabs me in my solar plexus.
Ah, so that's how.
And we both stand inert for a few seconds.
And she pierces me deeper.
And my eyes glow green.
She flinches, confusion and fear in her eyes. She tightens her grip on the blade and, with one swift maneuver of the elbow, she wrenches the blade out through the right side of my body.
Well, if you could call it a 'body'.
The weapon collides with the wall from the force with which she acted, causing sparks and the rather pleasant sound of steel colliding with stone.
I don't even move.
"Are you finished yet?"
"Barely." She quips and attempts to backhand me across the face. Her warm hand comes into contact with cold, cold skin.
She knows something is wrong now. Terrified, she stumbles backward.
"Who- what are you?" She stammers, floundering to gain her footing.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" I advance, cloak billowing up about and above me, blotting out the moonlight from the window completely. She fumbles for the door. I seize her by the neck.
Warmth. I miss that. A warm woman.
My grip tightens. Her neck constricts, resisting for a few seconds before submitting to my strength. She rasps and flails her arms. As I crush her neck, her larynx and other muscles, and warm, warm blood come bursting out of it, and her eyes are frozen open in pain and anguish.
Soundlessly, I push the grates of the cell door open and step out, making my way through the din of the now-buzzing cells. They had heard something happening in my cell. When they turn to look at me, deathly silent, simply walking by, I know they can feel the chill.
I smile at them. They shrink back, nightmares already shooting up in their subconscious. It's almost flattering to know they'll all be dreaming about me tonight.
Steadily, I plunge into the weathering nothingness ahead.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Good Lord!
It has been a while since I've posted hasn't it?
I can remember there were several things I had been meaning to blog about but just never got to. Now I don't even remember what they were! Oh well...
So why am I suddenly here?
Outside the Lines, Inc
Press Release
Aaron Lines Shows a Different Side in New Single
Calgary, AB - April 9, 2007
Country singer/songwriter Aaron Lines is known for his heartfelt lyrics through songs like "Waitin' on the Wonderful", "Twenty Years Late", "You Can't Hide Beautiful" and "The Lights of My Hometown" to name a few.
"Cheaper to Keep Her" a new single to be released on April 19, 2007 to country radio, is sure to show people a different side of Lines' personality. "I noticed that a lot of my fans only knew one side of me, the serious side. I wanted to let people know me better. I enjoy joking around and having a good time, and I wanted to lighten things up a little bit with this first single", states Lines.
Aaron Lines co-wrote "Cheaper to Keep Her" with a few friends after laughing at a bumper sticker he saw while driving down the road one afternoon in Florida. "Cheaper to Keep Her", a humorous take on a friend's divorce is sure to be a favorite tongue in cheek sing along for Lines' fans to enjoy.
"Cheaper to Keep Her" is the first single to be released from Aaron Lines "Moments that Matter" album which will be released on June 12, 2007.
Aaron Lines' New Album is called "Moments That Matter", and will be released on the 12th of June. THE TWELFTH OF JUNE, MY FRIENDS!!! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT IS HAPPENING??? IT'S COMING OUT... ON MY... YES. Yes. You understand now.
Alright, off my chest now. I will go listen to the 60++ new Chinese songs and the 9 new Tim McGraw songs I recently downloaded. Speaking of Tim McGraw...
YOU ALL MUST LISTEN TO "Something Like That" by Tim McGraw! It's one of the coolest songs I've heard in a while. Oh, and "Real Good Man", with raunchy innuendoes. Download them! Now! NOW!!!
I broke my glasses and had a haircut. In that order.
I bought a load of chips and had a seafood meal for lunch and dinner.
I'm not in love.
I've started watching two new shows. No point to this, really, just keeping myself updated on what happened when.
Real Good Man by Tim McGraw
Girl, you've never known no one like me up there in your high society
They might tell you I'm no good
Girl, they need to understand just who I am
I may be a real bad boy but, baby, I'm a real good man
I may drink too much and play too loud
Hang out with a rough and rowdy crowd
That don't mean I don't respect my momma or my Uncle Sam
Yes sir, yes ma'am
I may be a real bad boy but, baby, I'm a real good man
I might have a reckless streak at least a country mile wide
If you're gonna run with me, it's gonna be a wild ride
When it comes to lovin' you, I've got velvet hands
I'll show you how a real bad boy can be a real good man
I'll take all the good times I can get
I'm too young for growing up just yet
Ain't much I can promise you except to do the best I can
I'll be damned
I may be a real bad boy but, baby, I'm a real good man
I may be a real bad boy but, baby, I'm a real good man
愛與被愛 by 王浩信 & 梁晴晴
兄妹般關係 萬勿暴露情感
待我好 畢竟真的太笨
抱緊你 只恐加添責任
回絕你 惟恐孤單要忍
知道不可能 我也有權愛慕
陪在你左右 得到單戀的毒癮
你怕我浪費感情 無用費心
無論愛跟被愛 誰也沒有自由
慚愧地在托著頭 用愛換來內疚
我已著呆 怕你著呆
我拼命愛 我怕被愛
這個月台 我踏入來
愛與被愛 都算慷慨
自責半分鐘後來 我也得到半滴愛
兄妹般關係 實在故弄玄虛
被愛的 開心得很畏懼
盲目去傾慕 得到單戀的樂趣
愛你會令你憂愁 寧願後退
我已著呆 怕你著呆
我拼命愛 我怕被愛
這個月台 我踏入來
愛與被愛 都算慷慨
但至少一起扮呆 錯愛畢竟也是愛*
無論愛跟被愛 流放在這地球
能夠寂寞到盡頭 但我未能自救
It has been a while since I've posted hasn't it?
I can remember there were several things I had been meaning to blog about but just never got to. Now I don't even remember what they were! Oh well...
So why am I suddenly here?
Outside the Lines, Inc
Press Release
Aaron Lines Shows a Different Side in New Single
Calgary, AB - April 9, 2007
Country singer/songwriter Aaron Lines is known for his heartfelt lyrics through songs like "Waitin' on the Wonderful", "Twenty Years Late", "You Can't Hide Beautiful" and "The Lights of My Hometown" to name a few.
"Cheaper to Keep Her" a new single to be released on April 19, 2007 to country radio, is sure to show people a different side of Lines' personality. "I noticed that a lot of my fans only knew one side of me, the serious side. I wanted to let people know me better. I enjoy joking around and having a good time, and I wanted to lighten things up a little bit with this first single", states Lines.
Aaron Lines co-wrote "Cheaper to Keep Her" with a few friends after laughing at a bumper sticker he saw while driving down the road one afternoon in Florida. "Cheaper to Keep Her", a humorous take on a friend's divorce is sure to be a favorite tongue in cheek sing along for Lines' fans to enjoy.
"Cheaper to Keep Her" is the first single to be released from Aaron Lines "Moments that Matter" album which will be released on June 12, 2007.
Aaron Lines' New Album is called "Moments That Matter", and will be released on the 12th of June. THE TWELFTH OF JUNE, MY FRIENDS!!! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT IS HAPPENING??? IT'S COMING OUT... ON MY... YES. Yes. You understand now.
Alright, off my chest now. I will go listen to the 60++ new Chinese songs and the 9 new Tim McGraw songs I recently downloaded. Speaking of Tim McGraw...
YOU ALL MUST LISTEN TO "Something Like That" by Tim McGraw! It's one of the coolest songs I've heard in a while. Oh, and "Real Good Man", with raunchy innuendoes. Download them! Now! NOW!!!
I broke my glasses and had a haircut. In that order.
I bought a load of chips and had a seafood meal for lunch and dinner.
I'm not in love.
I've started watching two new shows. No point to this, really, just keeping myself updated on what happened when.
Real Good Man by Tim McGraw
Girl, you've never known no one like me up there in your high society
They might tell you I'm no good
Girl, they need to understand just who I am
I may be a real bad boy but, baby, I'm a real good man
I may drink too much and play too loud
Hang out with a rough and rowdy crowd
That don't mean I don't respect my momma or my Uncle Sam
Yes sir, yes ma'am
I may be a real bad boy but, baby, I'm a real good man
I might have a reckless streak at least a country mile wide
If you're gonna run with me, it's gonna be a wild ride
When it comes to lovin' you, I've got velvet hands
I'll show you how a real bad boy can be a real good man
I'll take all the good times I can get
I'm too young for growing up just yet
Ain't much I can promise you except to do the best I can
I'll be damned
I may be a real bad boy but, baby, I'm a real good man
I may be a real bad boy but, baby, I'm a real good man
愛與被愛 by 王浩信 & 梁晴晴
兄妹般關係 萬勿暴露情感
待我好 畢竟真的太笨
抱緊你 只恐加添責任
回絕你 惟恐孤單要忍
知道不可能 我也有權愛慕
陪在你左右 得到單戀的毒癮
你怕我浪費感情 無用費心
無論愛跟被愛 誰也沒有自由
慚愧地在托著頭 用愛換來內疚
我已著呆 怕你著呆
我拼命愛 我怕被愛
這個月台 我踏入來
愛與被愛 都算慷慨
自責半分鐘後來 我也得到半滴愛
兄妹般關係 實在故弄玄虛
被愛的 開心得很畏懼
盲目去傾慕 得到單戀的樂趣
愛你會令你憂愁 寧願後退
我已著呆 怕你著呆
我拼命愛 我怕被愛
這個月台 我踏入來
愛與被愛 都算慷慨
但至少一起扮呆 錯愛畢竟也是愛*
無論愛跟被愛 流放在這地球
能夠寂寞到盡頭 但我未能自救
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